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發表於 2018-12-13 02:43:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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SHEET ANCHOR, EAST CANJE – Commandant of the Felix Austin Police College Division ‘B’, Deputy Superintendent Ian Amsterdam, escaped serious injury when his car slammed into a bus shed at Sheet Anchor in East Canje, just after midnight on Saturday.The damaged house Commander of Division ‘B’ Assistant Commission George Alexander Vyphuis on Sunday afternoon said that he did not have all the facts surrounding the accident and could not say if it was a result of speeding.According to him, Deputy Superintendent Amsterdam swerved from a donkey.Vyphuis said that the matter would be investigated. At the time of the accident,China NFL Jerseys, Amsterdam was said to be the only person in the vehicle. He was admitted at the New Amsterdam Hospital for observation, after sustaining injuries to the head and other parts of his body.A source revealed Amsterdam was proceeding east along the Sheet Anchor Public Road when he encountered a donkey.He pulled over to the south to avoid colliding with the animal and instead struck a utility pole, lost control of the vehicle and ran into the bus shed before passing through the yard.The bus shed, which was a community project, was constructed through the compliments of General Contractor Nandram Persaud in May 2007.The bus shed knocked off three of its legsIt was situated in front of Balchand Annatram and his neighbour’s home.After knocking the structure off three of its legs, the vehicle then plunged through the front fence at Balchand Annatram’s home at Lot 72 Street Anchor and passed through his side fence before ending up by a lantern post on a side street just off the public road.Annatram wants to know who is paying for the damage done by the senior police officer, “Me can’t estimate how much money for this damage, but is an outboard engine mash up, me fence at two sides, and engine parts. Me used to sell greens (vegetables) but we stop, and the shop now using fuh store the engine and parts. The engine bruk up now.”The father of nine said he is a part time fisherman and also a pump operator for the Region Six Democratic Council.He explained that he was awakened from his slumber just about midnight on Saturday. “Me open the window and peep out, I see the bus shed fall down. Me wife seh, ‘Look the car in the yard!’ But by the time I speed over and open the door, the car done deh on the road. It done come out of the yard. When we come down, we see all this damage.”The irate man added,. “He had to deh speeding, he did going to cross over the bridge (Canje) to go New Amsterdam . Me want them come see what damage he do and buy them back and fix them back. I understand that is a police vehicle and the man is a police.”He claimed that he went over to the vehicle, “Me see the windscreen and windows bruk up.”(Melissa Johnson)

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