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發表於 2018-11-29 10:33:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Concerned residents of Hague, West Coast Demerara, are to be praised after they rescued a newborn baby boy who was allegedly left in a latrine by his mother.The discovery was made shortly Friday afternoon. The child was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where doctors quickly treated the hours old baby.One resident said that they were alerted after they heard continuous crying coming from the toilet. Kaieteur News understands that the baby’s mother, said to be in her early twenties,Bvb Neues Trikot 18/19, gave birth to the child shortly after noon and left the child in the latrine.One resident who spoke to Kaieteur News said that the woman remained tight lipped about what had happened. The resident claimed that the infant remained in the toilet until 17:00hrs after neighbours heard the child crying.The resident further told Kaieteur News that the child also had puncture marks about the body which suggested that someone tried to harm him.The child has been admitted to the postnatal ward.Another resident said that the entire act was a selfish one. “If she knew she did not want the baby she should have done the right thing before the foetus was developed.”Kaieteur News managed to contact the woman at the center of the allegation. The young mother refused to comment on the allegations. One friend of the woman said that it was an accident and the woman never tried to harm the child. A relative close to the woman also told this newspaper that the woman is married and her husband who resides in Barbados is oblivious that his wife is pregnant.“He does not know that his wife is pregnant much less that she has given birth.”olice sources yesterday confirmed that they have launched an investigation into the allegations.The source said that if the investigation unearths any wrongdoing, charges would be laid against the mother of the child.

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