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Hydrometeorological Service, Ministry of Agriculture, recently completed a five-day training in Good Refrigeration Practices at the Government Technical Institute.  This workshop, executed under the Terminal Phase out Management Plan, was facilitated by international consultant Mr. Ruben Marchand Ortega, who was hired under the United Nations Development Programme.The project included training of technicians and custom officers, review of regulations and training curriculum and reinforcement of the Refrigeration and Airconditioning Association.Thirty-two participants were trained from various technical institutions and corporate entities throughout Guyana.  These included, Government Technical Institute,Cheap Air Max 90 Wholesale, New Amsterdam Technical Institute,Maillot Coupe Du Monde 2018 Officiel, Essequibo Technical Institute, Linden Technical Institute, Demerara Distillers Limited,Cheap Baseball Jerseys Nike, Guysuco Training School, Upper Corentyne Industrial Training Centre, Antarctic Maintenance and Repairs, Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company and Auto Supplies.The Guyana Air conditioning Refrigeration and Ventilation Association (GARVA), the representative body for technicians in Guyana was also appreciably represented.Recently,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the Ministry of Agriculture also aided in the consultations which resulted in the resuscitation of the Guyana Refrigeration and Airconditioning and Ventilation Association which recently nominated its first executive body in 2009 to represent air conditioning and refrigeration technicians in Guyana.Those nominated were,Jerseys NFL China, Mr. Nazim Khan, President; Mr. Patrick Chinedu, Vice President; Mr. Lloyd Britton, Secretary; Mr. John Ramatour,Maglia Ufficiale Milan 2018/19, Assistant Secretary; Mr. Roger Greenidge, Treasurer; and seven committee members.Dr. Dindyal Permaul, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, inhis address to the graduates, reiterated the need for good practices within the refrigeration sector, relating the practice of Good Refrigeration to the preservation of the ozone layer and also urged participants to continue to pursue higher level of training.Mr. Ruben Ortega, stated, that the training to which participants were exposed is of the highest level.Similar workshops of this nature are being conducted globally to equip technicians with the necessary skills needed to meet the demands of a more environmentally conscious and friendly world.Mr. Lloyd Britton and Harichan Kulip copped prizes for their high achievement in the theoretical evaluation of trainees. Kulip was also applauded, being among the youngest participants in the workshop.Also present at the closing ceremony were Chief Hydrometeorological Officer (ag), Ms. Bhaleka Seulall; National Consultant, Mr. Zainool Rahaman and National Ozone Officer Odessa Shako.

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