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[中一] Cheap Jerseys Online "We're kind of in a corner









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發表於 2018-11-15 11:31:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"We're kind of in a corner,Cheap Football Jerseys College, but you're always in a corner," coach John Harbaugh said. "How we handle it will be what's remembered."
"The Ravens have been one of the best teams in this division for a while,Cheap Air Max 90 Wholesale," Dalton said. "Anytime you can go against teams like they've had,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, you see where you're at and see what kind of team that you've got. We don't expect anything less this year."
BALTIMORE (AP) — The Cincinnati Bengals have long admired and respected the success of the Baltimore Ravens, their accomplished rival in the AFC North.
That feeling hasn't changed, even though the defending Super Bowl champion Ravens bring a 3-5 record into Sunday's matchup against the first-place Bengals.
Cincinnati (6-3) has far outshined Baltimore this season,Cheap NFL Jerseys, yet the Bengals still believe the true test of how far they've come will be determined by how they fare against the desperate Ravens.
Bengals quarterback Andy Dalton has thrown four interceptions and only two touchdown passes in four career games against the Ravens. Although the Baltimore defense has changed dramatically since that Super Bowl victory last February, Dalton knows he must be at his best on Sunday at a stadium where Cincinnati hasn't won since 2009.
With a victory, Baltimore can move within a game of Cincinnati in the loss column. A defeat would all but end the Ravens' chances of repeating as division champs.

"I always use the Baltimore Ravens as a measuring stick," said Cincinnati coach Marvin Lewis,Neues Bayern Trikot 2018/19, who earned a Super Bowl ring in 2001 as Baltimore's defensive coordinator.
The Ravens are teetering on the edge of a cliff,wholesale soccer jerseys. The Bengals are poised to give them a hefty push.
"This game is more important to them," Cincinnati left tackle Andrew Whitworth said. "We realize we have a chance to go in and take control of our division."

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