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發表於 2018-11-13 08:36:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Whilst admitting that $5M or even $20M cannot aid City Hall in executing its works, Town Clerk Carol Sooba in her selective debt recovery campaign has seemingly ignored those who owe in excess of $100M.According to a source at City Hall,Neues Bayern Trikot 2018/19, Property Holdings Inc,Camiseta Atletico De Madrid 2019, created by National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL) headed by Winston Brassington,Jerseys NFL Cheap, owes City Hall $156.7M for rates and taxes on six properties. A request to waive the interest of $91.1M on the properties was sent to City Hall through the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.According to City Hall’s statement of Accounts as at October 14, 2013, Property Holdings Inc. owed City Hall $108.8M for the property at A13-14 Water Street, South Cummingsburg. That amount dates back prior to 2009. The interest asked to be waived is $63.2M.Marcia Nadir-SharmaThe document revealed that Property Holdings Inc. owed $1.1M for the period 2011 to 2013 for the property situated at 8AWater and Holmes Street, South Cummingsburg. The amount being demanded is $922,500.It was noted that for 27 Main Street,Baseball Jerseys Nike From China, South Cummingsburg, Property Holdings Inc. owes City Hall $11.8M in rates and taxes. That amount owed is for prior to 2009 to 2013. In addition, the sum of 26.9M is owed for Lot 304-5 East Street, South Cummingsburg.The document stated Property Holdings Inc. owes $5.2M for Lot 15 Werk-en-Rust for the period prior to 2009 to 2013. And, from 2009 to 2013 $2.5M is owed for the property at 18 Lamaha and Peter Rose Street, Queenstown.According to the source, with the interest deducted from the amount owed the amount demanded equals $65.5M. He believes it is this amount Sooba referred to at a press conference when she admitted that taxpayers owe $64M and no legal action is being taken.The source emphasized that Guyana Fisheries Ltd. located at A Street, Meadowbank/ Houston owes City Hall $274.2M. In addition,Jerseys From China, a Councillor of the Mayor and City Council Llewellyn John, who is said to be supportive of Sooba, owes City Hall $7M and legal action has been taken to obtain the amount, the source said.According to the source,Cheap Jerseys Online, it is clear that City Hall’s legal action initiated against Kaieteur News Publisher Glenn Lall by Sooba was an act of malice on behalf of the Government. Lall,Jerseys Wholesale, via his newspaper, Kaieteur News has been exposing corruption within Government and was blamed for the Government having a minority in Parliament.

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