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… says Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc. The Transparency Institute Guyana Inc. (TIGI) is refuting Government’s accusations that its work is intended to be anti-government.The group, which recently published a critical observation on the work of government agencies and departments, said that it expects that Government will welcome its vision of increased transparency and anti-corruption measures.This position come in the wake of the recent response by representatives of the Government of Guyana to a call by the group for an investigation into transactions involving the receipt of a gift of money by the Government from a foreign contractor.The government in its response had accused the TIGI of being anti government in its approach.“As citizens we have a vested interest in the resources of the country and the manner by which the government, as our trustees, use those resources,” TIGI said in a statement.According to TIGI, contrary to what the government has purported, the body is not a local Chapter of Transparency International (TI).It is an independent, non-governmental, non-political organisation working closely with TI to achieve Chapter status, thus joining the approximately 100 other countries where such groups operate.The process of accreditation is in its initial stages,China Jerseys Cheap, the group said in its statement.According to TIGI, the Institute intends to seek from officials who hold positions of trust,Cheap Air Max 90 Wholesale, responses on matters of national interest which touch and concern transparency or lack thereof.“In every case, TIGI will act fairly and constructively and hopes that such engagements will be characterised by openness, honesty, civility and reciprocity. TIGI’s approach is intended to be collaborative not confrontational.”TIGI said that its mission is the promotion of transparency and the eradication of corruption in all sectors of Guyana by way of,Nike Air Max Ale, among other things, public education, raising awareness and institutional strengthening.“We believe that these goals are shared by all democratic governments.”And in order to meet its objectives,Manchester United Jersey Online, TIGI intends to engage the government, political parties, civil society organisations, educational institutions, the Private Sector and the Public Sector in discussions and activities.Underpinning TIGI’s objectives, operations and activities, is the faithful regard for the Constitution of Guyana which guarantees to everyone the fundamental rights and freedoms of association, freedom of speech, and the right of citizens to participate in matters affecting them in an inclusionary democracy.Membership of the Institute is open to all Guyanese who share its objectives,Maglia Roma 2018/19, without any regard for,Maglia Inter 2019, enquiry into or consideration of their political preferences.TIGI’s directors comprise stakeholders from civil society. “We are persuaded of the need for anti-corruption initiatives in Guyana and believe that the Institute has an important role to play in a Guyana in which public officials are expected to be accountable to citizens,” the group said.In none of its statements, including a letter to Transparency International,Liverpool FC Store UK, has the Government addressed the issues and concerns raised by TIGI, the group said.

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