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發表於 2018-11-8 08:01:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Motivational Speaker, Astell Collins, is on a mission to help Guyanese youth maximize their potential and steer them in the direction of becoming leaders with a difference through a series of seminars.Collins also hosts Leadership Development Seminars internationally. He represented the nation with distinction. In 2014, he was recognized with a national Award of Excellence for his leadership development seminars and also for his humanitarian services throughout Guyana.He is the recipient of South Africa’s national youth award which ranked him as one of the most influential youth as a non-citizen and will be receiving the prestigious Golden Rule International Award in April.Recently, Collins inspired the young offender population in the Georgetown prison. He became emotional to witness how his leadership seminar impacted them. He even gave one of the inmates a copy of book written by the late Dr. Myles Munroe, the same title that was given to him when he was an adolescent, “Maximizing you potential”.He hopes to fill the national library with all of his titles and also to give every young offender a copy. Collins said that it is a tragedy for someone to not know what he possesses. “And when that person becomes someone of value only then can he add value to whatever he do,NBA Jerseys From China,” he remarked.Recently, Collins travelled to Essequibo to facilitate his BD1 Leadership seminar with ranks of the military, police and fire service. He then conducted a seminar with the Essequibo Technical Institute which was followed by a seminar for church leaders from a variety of denominations.The following day, he began his corporate leadership seminar with the management staff at the New Opportunity Corps. He was slated to facilitate a total of three seminars. But his passion and love for the students there moved him to arrange a mentorship session with them.Participants of his seminars are taken on a journey of self-discovery to self-mastery and leave them with actionable steps to finding their unique TAGS (talents, abilities, gifts and strengths).

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