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發表於 2018-11-7 14:38:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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‘Suspects still on the run’… – policeBy: Javone Vickerie and Kiana Wilburg  After being doused in the face with “battery acid” on Friday last because of a triangular love affair, a 22-year-old woman is now a patient at the Burn Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital.The injured woman has been identified as Sandy “Sugar Boy” Jackman, of lot 64 Sixth Street,NFL Jerseys From China, Alberttown. She is a mother of a five-year-old son who is unaware of his mother’s condition.Before and after photo of JackmanAccording to a hospital official, Jackman suffered first degree burns to the right side of her face, her left arm and sections of her breast. She is also unable to open her right eye,Discount NFL Jerseys, but it is unclear if the eye was damaged.Family members, especially a distraught mother,Cheap Jerseys, explained that a report was made at the police outpost at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Jackman’s mother, Karen Jackman,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, explained that around 20:20 hours, she was at her workplace when her daughter who was coming from the gym in Thomas Street,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, North Cummingsburg, came to collect an item and was heading home. “I went back inside the work place when all I hear was Sandy screaming, ‘Mommy, Mommy, Mommy’ and when I run out to her, she skin was wet with something that burnt my hand as I held her,” explained the emotional mother.She added that while on her way to the hospital, Jackman kept crying, “Mommy why? I don’t trouble anybody. Why would they want to do me this?”When Jackman arrived at the hospital, Karen said that her daughter was immediately taken into the hospital and given a bath by nurses before she was treated for the burns.Friends and family members who were at the hospital that evening, were seen pacing in a worried state as others embraced each other as they waited on doctors to provide information on Jackman’s condition.A reliable source told Kaieteur News that on the night of the incident,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Jackman was at her front door texting when two young men approached her with a container filled with an orange substance and doused her with it.The source added that a few seconds after the attack, Jackman went screaming for help and called out for her mother as her skin started to change colour. “We tried holding her but her skin began to peel off and she headed straight for her mother who then got hold of a taxi and took her to the hospital. I noticed the two guys that attacked her ride up Alberttown and cut through a street,” explained the eyewitness.Another source also disclosed that, “one of the attackers knows Sandy very well. She is known for picking trouble and one of the guys that did it, his girlfriend is in a relationship with Sandy and is long now he telling her to leave his woman alone and he promise to make her pay for taking his woman away.”Family members are very distressed over the situation. “She didn’t deserve this. No matter what she did,Air Max Pas Cher En Ligne, you can’t do this to someone regardless of their sexual preference. Her life will change forever because of this.”An official report has been made to the Alberttown Police Station.

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