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發表於 2018-11-7 14:36:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Terrence Mackend, of Third Street, Agricola,Chelsea Fc Jersey Cheap, East Bank Demerara, became the latest road fatality when he was struck down by a Leyland truck GKK 3364 on the Agricola Public Road just after 19:00 hours yesterday.The truck is said to be owned by the Ministry of Public Works and was being driven by a man who identified himself as Orin.According to the driver, he was travelling along the western side of the East Bank Highway heading to the city when he observed two men on a bicycle in the vicinity of the Agricola entrance.The man said that it appeared that the rider of the bicycle was attempting to navigate across the road but swayed in an uncertain way.Orin said that he started blowing the horn of the truck in the hope that the rider would clear his path. He said that he slowly started to apply brakes.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the driver related it was just when he thought that he had safely passed the men that he heard a sound at the back of the truck.The man said that he stopped and checked,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, only to see that one of the men was somehow crushed by the back wheels of the truck while the other man was unharmed.However, according to an eyewitness account, the truck was in fact speeding and could not entirely avoid colliding with the men.One woman related that she had just disembarked a minibus when she was alerted by a popping sound, which she soon discovered was the crushing of Mackend’s head.The accident,Cheap Jerseys, which attracted a large crowd and created a traffic congestion situation, was described by many as “gruesome” and “horrific” as Mackend’s brain was splattered on the roadside.The scene of the accident reeked of fresh blood which flowed from the fatal injury the man sustained, but yet onlookers converged even more to get a glimpse of the lifeless figure sprawled on the side of the road.Enid Jason,NBA Jerseys From China, the dead man’s reputed wife,Borussia Dortmund Fanshop, arrived on the scene about half an hour later and was able to identify him from his petite size, his clothing and the contents of his pockets.According to her she had been living with Mackend,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, who up to the time of his death was employed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, for several years.The police arrived on the scene soon after and commenced taking statements from the driver.

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