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發表於 2018-11-4 09:32:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In an effort to prevent businesses and residents from becoming victims of robberiesCommander Clifton Hicken meets with IITS Director, Somal Sharmaduring the Christmas season, Innovative IT Solutions (IITS) is partnering with the police to offer surveillance cameras at a reduced price. This offer expires on Christmas Eve.On Thursday, the company’s director, Somal Sharma met with Clifton Hicken, the Commander of ‘A’ Division where he signaled his intention of offering surveillance equipment to the business community and private residents at a reduced price.Sharma said that this move is to prevent vulnerable persons from becoming victims of any form of robbery at Christmas, since it is no secret that bandits usually pounce on unsuspecting persons during this period.Recently, almost every day there are reports of persons being attacked and robbed, some are even shot while others have lost their lives.Speaking more about his offer, the IITS official explained that persons can get high quality cameras at very low prices, thanks to a special package the company is offering.“I have been doing networking for more than 10 years and I have seen the challenges the police face with identifying number plate(s) or the face(s) of suspects after a robbery was committed due to poor quality cameras,” Sharma noted. He explained that persons usually opt for the cheaper cameras but in the long run, they end up losing more than what it would have cost to install surveillance cameras of a higher quality.At a recent press conference, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum spoke of the challenges investigators face when having to deal with poor quality footage.Apart from the quality of the CCTV footage, investigators are faced with another challenge when bandits escape with the digital video recorder (DVR), which would have stored the footage recorded by the cameras.But Sharma said that there are now ways that victims can outsmart these bandits without having to go into their pockets.“You can use technology to do so many things; including hiding footage so that when the bandits think that they destroy the evidence by taking the DVR, you actually have the evidence right there at home or at your business place,” Sharma revealed.Meanwhile,Cheap Adidas Nmd Australia, Hicken said that as part of the Guyana Police Force (GPF)’s security posture for the Christmas season, the force during a presentation promised to develop a relationship with the corporate sector and as such, a move by IITS to sell CCTV of a high quality at a reduced price would do justice in terms of capturing images after the commission of a crime.The Commander has promised to hold a stakeholder meeting on November 29, at 17:00 hrs.

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