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發表於 2018-11-4 03:55:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… Enterprise Taxi driver trialMurder accused Shawn Richardson, called “Jungle Commando” yesterday walked out the High Court a free man, as Madame Justice Dawn Gregory upheld a no case submission by his lawyer Clarissa Riehl.Richardson, who hails from Bare Root, East Coast Demerara, was accused of killing Enterprise taxi driver Vivekanand Nandalall.Nandalall’s skeletal remains  were discovered with one bullet hole to the skull on March 12, 2004. It was discovered by a GuySuCo field supervisor about a mile and a half south of the Bachelor’s Adventure Squatting Area.A DNA test was conducted and the identity was ascertained.On Friday the judge had adjourned the matter to make a ruling on the admissibility of the caution statement which was allegedly given by Richardson.In the statement the police claimed that Richardson was part of the gang that killed Nandalall.As the morning’s proceeding began yesterday, the Judge informed State Prosecutors Judith Gildharie-Mursalin and Konyo Sandiford who represented the state, that she was not allowing the statement into evidence.The court was told that due to the fact that the prison records showed that Richardson had injuries when he entered, the statement could not be entered into evidence.In light of the judge’s ruling,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, lead Prosecutor Judith Gildharie-Mursalin, told the court that the state will not be offering anymore evidence and close its case, against the accused.The defendant’s lawyer at this stage made her no case submission, which was upheld by the judge.The judge then informed the mix to return a formal verdict of not guilty. This was done and the jury returned the verdict.The judge briefly spoke to the defendant and explained that there was no further evidence to continue the trial. She added that only he alone would know what really happened.The defendant in turn told the judge, “Thank you” and left the court room smiling.One of the prosecutors described the case as “tragic” stating that the jury was not afforded the opportunity to hear certain information.On Wednesday, last, the defendant gave sworn evidence. According to Richardson he was beaten to give and sign the caution statement.He added that the police used black bags to cover his face. Richardson also said that he was shocked for over eight minutes. There were no marks on his body to support this claim.After he was admitted to the prisons, the only wound on his body was a circular one beneath his foot. Prison Officer Michelle Lewis, during her evidence in chief stated that the wound was circular and hinted that a nail or an ice pick could created such a wound.He was cross examined by prosecutor Gildharie-Mursalin, then re-examined by his lawyer.Last week Retired Deputy Superintendent of Police, Paul Kawall, was called to give his evidence in chief.According to Kawall, on October 17, 2003, he was the duty officer at the Vigilance Police Station, when he received a telephone call.The court was told by Kawall, that he and a party of policemen went to the Annandale Railway Embankment where they found an abandoned car.He detailed certain aspects of his role in the investigation and was cross-examined by the defence.Following Kawall on the stand was retired Deputy Superintendent Alwyn Wilson, who spoke about contacting the defendant, Shawn Richardson.According to Wilson, he showed the accused a picture of the victim, to which he replied, “this is the man and I gun tell yuh wha I know”.Richardson, he related, was asked if he wanted to put what he knew in writing and he accepted that option.Wilson said he took out an A182b form (Caution Statement) and headed up the defendant’s information. Richardson, according to Wilson, then gave him a story to which he made note of.After taking the information the caution statement was read to the accused and he accepted it, Wilson told the court. He said that the caution was taken in the presence of Assistant Superintendent Winston Cosbert who signed as witness. Richardson also signed the statement afterwards.Wilson told the court that at no time, before, during or after were any threats used. The court then conducted the voir dire.Two Tuesdays ago Station Sergeant Geoffrey Tate, Assistant Superintendent Michael Kingston and Police Photographer Osmond Semple all gave their evidence in chief.Assistant Superintendent Kevin Pilgrim was the second person called to give evidence. He was also cross-examined by prosecutor Gildharie-Mursalin. The last witness was prison officer Michelle Lewis.  She was cross-examined by the prosecution then re-examined by the defence.Assistant Superintendent Kevin Pilgrim and prison officer Michelle Lewis were the last set of witnesses to be called to give evidence.The first witness to give evidence was Nandalall’s uncle, Heeralall Kishore. The man testified to certain aspects of the kidnapping and the ransom which was paid by the relatives who pooled their financial resources.Basmattie Nandalall, one of the victim’s cousins, and Lance Corporal Elroy Masau were also called to testify.On March 12, 2004, a GuySuCo field supervisor found Nandalall’s skeleton, with one bullet hole to the skull, about a mile and a half south of the Bachelor’s Adventure Squatting Area.

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