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Three lucky mothers of the first New Year’s babies in their respective counties were treated to abundant cheer when they received ‘Right Start Baby Care’ hampers from the Republic Bank recently. The mothers were also presented with a Right Start Gift Certificate valued at $15 000 which will be used open an account in the baby’s name.Yashoda Prashad receives her RightStart Baby Care Hamper and letter from Ms. Kunti Rampersaud, Administrative Assistant,Cheap Jerseys, Anna Regina Branch at the Suddie HospitalMoney can be added to the account and will only be accessible when the children reach the age of 13.An exuberant Ms. Shamaina Hubbard gave birth to her first baby, Amelia Hubbard at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on New Year’s Day. Amelia arrived at 00:59 hrs. and weighed 3.6kg.Ms. Hubbard, received her RightStart Baby Care Hamper and letter of invitation to open a RightStart Account for her baby from Mrs. Kadija Persaud, Marketing Officer – Products and Services, Head Office Branch at the Post-Natal Ward,China Jerseys Wholesale, Georgetown Public Hospital.In Essequibo,Wholesale Jerseys, Ms. Yashoda Prashad gave birth to her baby boy at 02:25 hrs. at the Suddie Hospital. She was presented with the hamper and certificate by Ms.  Kunti Rampersaud, Administrative Assistant, Anna Regina Branch. And 32-year-old Omawattie Devi Singh,China Jerseys Cheap, mother of the first New Year’s Day baby (a girl) delivered at the New Amsterdam Hospital,Wholesale Jerseys From China, at 12:15 hrs, was on Friday presented with her infant’s gift. Baby Ashley is the third child of the Hampshire Village, Corentyne, Berbice resident.Republic Bank service representatives Rohini Sooklall left and Nicolette Arnold present the gifts to Omawattie Devi Singh. Witnessing the moment are Bank Manager Imran Saccoor, fourth from right,Cheap Jerseys Online, nurses and PRO Gloria Welch-Beharry, extreme left.The presentation was done at the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital. Customer service representatives Rohini Sooklall and Nicolette Arnold jointly handed over the gifts to the appreciative mother. NA Hospital PRO Gloria Welch-Beharry represented that entity.The hamper includes baby clothing, formula, feeding utensils,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, creams, powder and manicure sets, among other necessities.Republic Bank has embarked on honouring the “First Born” in each of the three counties for the first time this year and this will be an annual undertaking.

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