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[中一] Bill Lee Jersey trk2g54w









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發表於 2018-10-30 07:30:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President Donald Ramotar was over the weekend the guest of honour at thePresident Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds being given a tour of the facilityopening ceremony of the Masjid an-Najm and Social Centre at what was formerly the Star Cinema in Albouystown,Cedric Thornton Jersey, Georgetown.Among other special invitees in attendance were Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, former Labour Minister Manzoor Nadir and Secretary General of the Guyana Red Cross, Dorothy Fraser.The building was constructed at a cost of $44M, which was raised through the generosity of the Muslim community under the auspices of the Guyana Islamic Thrust (GIT).In his address to the gathering, the President said that Guyana has a great reputation with regards to tolerance; where all religions can flourish in freedom and peace, as there is a greater understanding among citizens of different faiths, than in many other parts of the world.The Head of State added that the well-being of Guyanese citizens has been the cornerstone of the successive People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Governments, a fact which the allocations in the national budget can attest to.“In 1992, Government spent eight percent of the budget on the social sector; while last year over 30 percent was spent in this regard; as Government is moved by the need to end poverty so as to create a better life for citizens.”The President added that development of the human capital is one of the principles that his Government and the GIT hold with utmost importance, which is why the latter will find a good partner in his administration to collectively fight against some of the anti-social activities that plague society.He added that Albouystown has a lot of talent, which is often drowned by poverty, and expressed the hope that the Masjid, which is also a social and learning centre, will be use as a tool that will drive the potential of the people within the area, particularly the youths.President Ramotar further assured of his support, especially since both Government and the Muslim organisation are driven by a common objective which is, to move society forward.Chairman of the Masjid an-Najm and Social Centre, Nazar Mohamed, said that this project was first visualised a few years ago during Islamic Awareness Week. The land on which it stands was donated; however, it had accumulated huge arrears of rates and taxes.The Masjid an-Najm and Social CentreAs a result, the GIT sought the assistance of the Government through Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, who in turn, made representation on its behalf to former President Bharrat Jagdeo. The former Head of State responded positively by making interventions at the level of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) to have the debt waived.The building is also an Information Communication Technology (ICT) hub under the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme. Further, the social centre provides Muslim education and training, family guidance and counselling, women education and development, skills training, literary classes, social relief and welfare, medical clinic and care for the elderly and differently-able.

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