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Andrew Benintendi Jersey rgtipykm









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發表於 2018-10-28 10:53:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Opposition has submitted the curricula vitae (CVs) for six of the nominees for the Chairperson position of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).According to a statement from the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, the CVs were yesterday submitted to President David Granger.The six persons are Major-General (Ret’d) Norman Mc Lean, Lawrence Lachmansingh, James G. Rose, PhD, Ramesh Dookoo, Ryhaan Shah and Christopher L. Ram.The list had been dispatched by the Leader of the Opposition to the President on December 21, 2016 but Granger had asked for the CVs.The Ministry of the Presidency had explained that the CVs will help to better determine their nominees’ suitability for the post according to the requirements outlined in the Constitution of Guyana.The selection of a new chairperson is engaging both Government and the Opposition, after former Chairman of GECOM, Dr. Steve Surujbally’s resignation became effective as of November 30, after 15 years of holding the post.In a statement from the Ministry of the Presidency, the Head of State said that he received the list of nominations from the Opposition Leader on Wednesday and has responded to that request.“I replied to him right away, because although those six names might be known to the public, I could not be sure that their nominations were in accordance with the Constitution. I have asked him to let me have copies of the Curriculum Vitae of each one so that it can guide me in making my decision. So that is where we are now and I would say that the ball is in his court. I would say let me have the resume for the persons so we can go ahead with this process. It is very important that we have a Chairman as early as possible,” the President said.Article 161 (2) of the Constitution states that “…the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person who holds or who has held office as a Judge of a Court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a Court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such Judge, or any other fit and proper person, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Leader of the Opposition after meaningful consultation with the non-governmental political parties represented in the National Assembly. Provided that if the Leader of the Opposition fails to submit a list as provided for, the President shall appoint a person who holds or has held office as a Judge of a Court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a Court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such Court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge.”The names would have come after weeks of public and internal consultations of the Opposition— the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) with civil society, including religious and other groups.Surujbally’s resignation was touted to be effective November 30, 2016. However,Blank Jersey, he remains on the job, but on leave.GECOM is the authority that oversees general and regional elections and local government polls in Guyana.

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