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發表於 2018-10-27 19:25:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Inspector Nolan Burnett and Detective Deputy Superintendent of Police Lyndon Lord were back in the witness box yesterday to give evidence in the second hearing of the double-murder trial of Cyon Collier called ‘Picture Boy’.The matter is being heard at the High Court before Justice Navindra Singh.Burnett was the first witness of the day. He testified to being one of the investigating officers after the murder of Ray Walcott called ‘Sugar’ and Carl Andrews called ‘Alo’ which occurred on September 23, 2006, at Victoria Four Corner, East Coast Demerara.Burnett said he had collected evidence at the scene of the crime and had witnessed the post mortem conducted on the deceased. He said he had collected two spent shells from the scene of the crime and a warhead from the body of the deceased, before describing to the court what he had done with the evidence after collecting it, during its storage, and its subsequent upliftment for the purpose of the preliminary inquiry, previous and current court hearings.Burnett was led in his evidence-in-chief by Senior State Prosecutor Judith Gildharie-Mursalin.Defence lawyer Lyndon Amsterdam in his cross examination, questioned the officer about his statement and sought to find out why he had not written in his statement what he had done with the evidence while in his possession. The policeman had explained what he did with the evidence, but said it was not written in his statement.Another witness returned to the stand for further cross examination by the defence. Mohan Singh, a bus driver, had given evidence about his alleged encounter with Collier on the day of the shooting.He had testified that Collier had entered his bus and made certain statements to him. During yesterday’s hearing,Discount NBA Jerseys For Sale, Singh admitted that he could not read and after the defence lawyer asked Singh about certain words in his statement, he said he could not spell them.This came after the lawyer had highlighted that the statement reportedly given by the witness said that he had read the document before he signed it. Amsterdam pointed out that while the witness claimed that he could not read the statement, he said that he had read its contents.The Judge however asked his own questions about the witness’s abilities. Singh was later asked about his acquirement of his driver’s licence and after telling the court that he had done no written test to attain his driver’s licence, the court ordered that an investigation be launched into the manner in which Singh acquired the document.Lord was the next witness on the stand. He was at the time in charge of the Vigilance Police Station on the East Coast of Demerara.  In his evidence-in-chief, he told the court what he did during Collier’s time at the police station and during the processing of the accused.Collier is accused of fatally shooting Walcott and Andrews who were brothers. This is the second hearing since the last court case saw the matter ending in a hung jury. The matter continues.

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