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發表於 2018-10-27 09:55:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– as widow prepares to bury slain security guardWELLINGTON PARK, CORENTYNE – The suspects in Monday’s robbery at Wellington Park on the Corentyne are said to be part of a gang known to police.The main hurdle facing ranks in Division ‘B’ of the Guyana Police Force, is that there may be no eye-witnesses to make a positive identification.According to a source close to the investigation, three men who are no strangers to the police, and three women, were detained in the wake of the robbery. The women are said to be associates of the male suspects. One of the men is said to be the prime suspect.The detainees all reside between Lancaster and Cromarty – a distance of about six miles from the scene of the crime.On Monday,Discount NBA Jerseys For Sale, 47-year-old Arjune Gobin, a security guard attached to Nand Persaud and Company Limited of Number Thirty-six Village, Corentyne, was reportedly shot by bandits in what was intended to be an early morning robbery at the home of a businessman Surendra Ganesh of Wellington Park, Corentyne.During the rampage, the gunmen discharged rounds to different sections of the house, used sledge hammers to smash a hole in the concrete wall on the southern  wall of the house and broke windows to gain entry.The bandits had ample time to commit the act since the closest police station is several villages away, at Whim.Detectives recovered some 60 nine mm spent shells and 18-12 gauge cartridges from the crime scene. Based on intelligence gathered thus far, the bandits fled on foot through the bushes.In some sections people are blaming the slow response of police for the reign of terror; however the source explained that the patrol on duty was in Black Bush Polder responding to a report about the death of a 15-year old female.Due to this the ranks whose shift ended about midnight were immediately dispatched to the Ganesh home. The source described the entire episode as unfortunate.“In a sense if there wasn’t a call in Black Bush then that patrol would have been on the road and not in Black Bush Polder since they patrol from Whim to Number Thirty-six Village.”The official said that after placing the response time of the ranks under a microscope, still more time is needed before making a conclusive statement of the time ranks took to travel to the scene.When asked about the presence of Arjune Gobin when he met his death, the source said that at no time did the police request back-up and as such cannot give a reason for him being at the scene.Arjune Gobin of Bloomfield Village was shot in the head during the robbery and pronounced dead on arrival at the Port Mourant Hospital.Rajendra Persaud, co-owner of the Nand Persaud and Company Limited and the now dead Gobin had responded to the calls for help from Persaud’s sister.(Rajendra Persaud) responded almost immediately. He too was shot.Rajendra Persaud has since been discharged from a private hospital in Georgetown after a bullet, allegedly fired by the bandits, grazed the back of his head.And Arjune Gobin’s widow 45-year old Jenney Gobin is now making the necessary arrangements to cremate him on Sunday at the Babu John Crematorium.Arjune Gobin was the lone breadwinner of the family and is survived by four children, including a son residing overseas. The youngest is 11 years old.His wife said that she is receiving some assistance from her husband’s employer. “One of Mr. Nand Persaud sons and some workers came to me the same morning the incident happen and give me some money – $30,000 and they talk very nice to me and comfort me.“They say they cannot buy his life back but if we give them a chance they would stand  the funeral expenses. Them ah call steady and come steady.”

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