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– Two still in custody,Asics Shoes Sale Usa, Police to seek legal adviceTwo persons are still in custody while the Police are to seek legal advice as to the way forward after the post mortem examination conducted on the remains of 42-year-old Jairool Rohoman called ‘Chico’ whose gag, bound and bruised body was fished out of the Canje river on Tuesday morning,Basket Jordan Junior Soldes, proved inconclusive.That was the finding of Dr. Vivekanand Brijmohan who conducted the post mortem on Wednesday at New Amsterdam.Dr. Brijmohan concluded that due to the decomposed state of the body he could not pronounce on a definite cause of death.Rohoman,Cheap Shoes Outlet, of Betsy Ground,Zapatillas Baratas Online Espa?a, East Canje, and a weeder attached to the Rose Hall Estate, went missing on Sunday after she left to go and visit her estranged reputed husband at his home in the neighbouring village of Gangaram, on a request made by him.The woman had moved out of the man’s home about three months ago, but would visit him from time to time. The woman after moving out of the home had started a relationship with someone else.She had first lived at Goed Bananen Land,Camiseta Atletico De Madrid 2018, before moving to Gangaram to live with her reputed husband.She had then moved to Betsy Ground where she lived in a small house which was loaned to her by a friend with two of her four children,Arsenal Fc Shop Sale, after she and her partner started to have problems and they separated.She had planned to return home in time to visit Babu John cemetery on Sunday last.After she did not return her 16-year-old son visited the residence and enquired about his mother and was told by his father that she had left since 11:30 to go to Babu John. After she did not return home, relatives began a frantic search for her. The search continued on Monday.Around 18:00 hrs on Monday,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, relatives received information that a body was spotted floating in the Canje River.They immediately informed the police and sought for a boat but were unsuccessful as there was no gasoline. Early on Tuesday morning they secured a boat and ventured on their search when they eventually found the woman between some bushes.Her head was partly shaven and her hair and a piece of rope were used to bind her hands and her head in a crouching position. Parts of her body were badly bruised. .Police have since held her reputed husband and her male friend for questioning. Both men have denied having anything to do with the woman’s death.The male friend had told investigators that he last saw her early Sunday morning.

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