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發表於 2018-10-15 09:00:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Retired Brigadier David Granger has hinted that he will support an investigation into the role the army played during the ‘rigged elections’ during the Peoples National Congress’ administration.This was revealed by the former army Brigadier, who recently announced that he will be willing to accept the position of Presidential Candidate of the PNCR, during an interview last evening on the Plain talk Show hosted by Christopher Ram.Retired Brigadier David Granger Granger said that the Army has nothing to hide and he will be supportive of such an investigation.Ever since his announcement that he would accept the role as Presidential Candidate for the PNCR, Granger has been subjected to several criticisms as it relates to the army’s role in what has long been considered several rigged elections by the PNC.According to Granger, it must be understood what the relationship between the Army and the Executive is.He said that the Army is run by the Defence Board which is chaired by the Minister of Defence who happens to be the Head of State.Granger said that as long as an order is issued that is within the confines of the law then it has to be followed.It was explained by Granger that at that time, the Army was the only body that was in a position to safely transport and secure the ballot boxes.Meanwhile, speaking to the General Elections scheduled for next year, Granger said that the process currently being undertaken by the PNCR should have started ever since last year, given that a lot of time has gone by as it relates to preparing for the Elections.Granger said that he is confident that he can unite the party and that the PNCR can win the General Elections.He said that the party can cross the ethnic barriers in order to secure the 51 per cent of votes necessary.Granger said that while he is on record as saying that pursuing a security agenda, it is just a precondition for laying the foundation for a more stable safe investor friendly environment.According to Granger, what has failed the nation is the education system which has also led to the widening of the gap causing increased ethnic tension.He says that while, “this monster” cannot be dealt with in a year, education is the critical tool in eradicating racism.The former Brigadier said also that his party can provide hope for people to return to their homeland and that there is a greater need for the education system to churn out educated entrepreneurs.Granger said that despite the increase in infrastructure and the macroeconomic stability there is a sense of a loss of hope in Guyana.This he said must be addressed,Air Jordan Pas Cher France, speaking to the fact that persons are graduating in Guyana and their next move is to migrate.Granger spoke too of the ever widening gap between the social classes in Guyana saying that this gap between the rich and the poor is increasing and this has to be addressed.Granger said that he believes that he will be judged on merit and not as a political hack and as such is the right man for the PNCR to unite and lead the party into a successful elections.

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