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Cheap Jerseys China and the team lost two receivers to injury.









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發表於 2018-10-8 04:51:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"It doesn't look good," Marrone said. "Right now I'm thinking it's probably major."
Byrd was with the team and was practicing as recently as Tuesday. It's unclear when he was hurt.
The safety didn't report to the team until Aug. 22 after the Bills applied the franchise tag to the Pro Bowl safety.
ORCHARD PARK,Jerseys Wholesale, N.Y. (AP) — Buffalo Bills safety Jairus Byrd is getting a second opinion from foot specialist Robert Anderson on an undisclosed foot injury.
Legursky,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who was competing for a starting job at left guard, hurt his knee while blocking on a 1-yard run by Kendall Gaskins late in the third quarter. Legursky waved to the crowd as he was carted off the field.
Lions backup linebacker Jon Morgan did not return after hurting his shoulder in the second half.
The third-round pick out of Texas is in the mix to earn one of the team's top-four receiving spots,Cheap Authentic Jerseys.
Marrone said the receiver would undergo tests to determine whether his ribs are bruised or broken. He was seen walking in the locker room after the game.
Goodwin was hurt when he stumbled and then went head-first trying to make a deep catch up the right sideline. The ball went off his hands, and he fell to the turf.
Three other players were injured in the Bills' loss Friday.
Anderson is the doctor who evaluated Bills defensive end Mario Williams when he suffered a foot injury earlier in training camp,Cheap Jerseys For Sale.
Guard Doug Legursky was carted off the field after hurting his left knee,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and the team lost two receivers to injury.
Goodwin was treated on the field and was slow to get up, but Marrone said after the game that the receiver was, "fine."
The NFL then said that Buffalo would not be allowed to keep Byrd as a non-roster exemption past an Aug,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping. 31 deadline.
Smith is an eighth-year player who was being counted on to fill a role on special teams.
Bills coach Doug Marrone made the announcement after the Bills' 35-13 preseason loss to Detroit on Thursday night.
Rookie third-round pick Marquise Goodwin did not return after being poked in the left eye in the first quarter. Veteran Brad Smith did not return after hurting his ribs late in the second quarter.

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