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發表於 2018-9-21 13:51:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Returning after a two-year hiatus, the upcoming ‘Queen of Lights’ Sari Pageant is already attracting sizeable sponsorship, according to organiser Sheik Yassin.In an interview yesterday, Yassin related that, to date, two beverage companies are on board.And the Andrew Arts entity is responsible for all signs, banners and poster paintings. He added that the Caricom General Insurance Company, Builders Lumber Yard, Ricks and Sari, Regal Stationery, and the Clear Water entity are confirmed sponsors, while several other entities have expressed interest in sponsorship participation in the pageant.The ‘Queen of Lights’ Sari Pageant is billed for October 25, 2008 at the Starlite Drive-in Cinema at Montrose, East Coast Demerara.Yassin said, too, that so far, seven contestants have been selected and the team is looking for a further three. He said that many persons auditioned for the pageant but some did not meet the standards and required expectations.Since the publishing in Kaieteur News of an article on this pageant last Friday, at least one person has penned a letter stating that the pageant was an ‘insult to Hindu females’. Commenting on this,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Yassin said that his pageant is not a ‘Diwali Pageant’. It has been so dubbed, but is really more ‘of a Sari Pageant’.According to the organizer, this year’s queen and first runner-up will represent Guyana at the Miss Caribbean Sari Pageant, which will feature contestants from Canada, the USA, Jamaica, Trinidad, Suriname, and some other states.On pageant night, according to Yassin, ‘De Ambassadors International Band’ will also be launched as a bonus treat for patrons.Contestants will battle in the intelligence, talent display and sari modelling segments, and will also be judged on crowd appeal and response. Prizes will also be given to the two lucky ladies who are adjudged as having the best smile and best sari. Training for the contestants will begin in October.Miss Queen of Lights 2K8 will receive $150,000 and a trophy, while her first runner-up will take home $75,000 and a trophy. The prizes for the second runner-up are set at $50,000 and a trophy, with the third runner-up receiving $25,000.

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