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發表於 2018-9-21 11:40:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Almost 21 years since taking control of Government, the ruling party is set to host a number of rallies to mark the “return of democracy”.According to the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), the activities will be held across the country.The PPP/C has continuously won the presidency and control of the National Parliament since the October 5,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, 1992 General and Regional Elections. However, it lost its majority in the Parliament following the 2011 General and Regional Elections, while retaining the presidency.PPP/C plans to hold a number of rallies to commemorate the “return to democracy” following the October 5th, 1992 General and Regional Elections.President Donald Ramotar and other leading party and government officials will be addressing the rallies, the PPP/C said yesterday.“The Party, at these rallies, will be highlighting the 21 years of continued progress while in government over the past twenty-one years.”The first of the rallies will be held on October 5 at the University of Guyana Campus, Tain, Corentyne, Berbice.The next day, the rally will be held at the Lusignan Tarmac, East Coast Demerara.On Saturday, October 12, the celebrations move to the Essequibo Coast at the Anna Regina car park. Several other activities are planned for other locations and these will be announced later, the PPP/C said.“The (1992) elections resulted in Dr. Cheddi Jagan becoming the first democratically elected President of independent Guyana. Those elections were hailed as free and fair both locally and internationally. The return to democracy came after years of rigged elections which kept the People’s National Congress under Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte in power for 28 years. During those years the country went bankrupt and the conditions of the Guyanese people were degraded.”According to the PPP/C, the message at these rallies is for Guyanese to safeguard their future by defending their democratic gains and this in turn will result in further development of the country and the living conditions of the people.Government is expected to use the rallies to bolster its support amidst increasing criticisms of a number of large-scale infrastructural projects, including the Amaila Falls hydro project, the Marriott Hotel and the airport expansion.

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